

Teresa Teng was perhaps the most popular Taiwanese Chinese pop singer at her time. Teng was known for her folk songs and romantic ballads. Many became standards in her lifetime, such as "When Will You Return?" and "The Moon Represents My Heart". She recorded songs not only in her native Mandarin but also in Taiwanese Hokkien, Cantonese, Japanese, Indonesian, and English. The following is the lyrics of one of my favorite Teng's song: "Spring of the North".



白樺 青空 南風
こぶし咲くあの丘 北国のあゝ北国の春
季節が都会では わからないだろと
届いたおふくろの 小さな包み
あの故郷へ 帰ろかな帰ろかな

雪どけ せせらぎ 丸木橋
落葉松の芽がふく 北国のあゝ北国の春
好きだとおたがいに 言いだせないまま
別れてもう五年 あのこはどうしてる
あの故郷へ 帰ろかな帰ろかな

山吹 朝霧 水車小屋
わらべ唄聞える 北国のあゝ北国の春
あにきもおやじ似で 無口なふたりが
たまには酒でも 飲んでるだろか
あの故郷へ 帰ろかな帰ろかな


Goal & Activity for my JPN 101 Course

I would like to improve my Japanese reading and listening skills the most. 

The goals:

· Read hiragana and katagana fluently
· Use Japanese-English dictionary correctly
· Have an vocabulary of over 200 hiragana and katagana words
· Be able to introduce myself, ask direction and order food in Japanese

The activities:

· Go to sato sensee’s office hour once other week
· Listen and shadow a Japanese song every week
· Finish all the “Shadowing: Let's Speak Japanese!”by the end of the semester
· Go to Japanese language table at least twice in the semester
· Post blog every week on Japanese architecture and culture